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Strawberry Orange Banana Lime Leaf Slate Sky Blueberry Grape Watermelon Chocolate Marble
Strawberry Orange Banana Lime Leaf Slate Sky Blueberry Grape Watermelon Chocolate Marble

Stat transfer

Provides you with 1 stat transfer that can be used to transfer assets such as money, vehicles, and properties between two of your characters.
This will be added to your stat transfers balance. Every time you perform a stat transfer, your stat transfer balance decreases by 1. Stat transfers can be done from within the game, on the spawnscreen after logging in.


About Stat transfer

Provides you with 1 stat transfer that can be used to transfer assets such as money, vehicles, and properties between two of your characters.

This will be added to your stat transfers balance. Every time you perform a stat transfer, your stat transfer balance decreases by 1. Stat transfers can be done from within the game, on the spawnscreen after logging in.

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