
- Bronze member title
- Character slots increased from 3 to 5
- [MTA] Maximum filesize per custom skin increased to 200kb
- [MTA] /togpm - Toggle-able in-game PMs
- [MTA] /togads - Toggle-able in-game ads
- [MTA] /don chat
- Increased forum upload limits
- Increased forum messages storage

- Silver member title
- Character slots increased to 7
- [MTA] Maximum filesize per custom skin increased to 300kb
- [MTA] /togpm - Toggle-able in-game PMs
- [MTA] /togads - Toggle-able in-game ads
- [MTA] /don chat
- Increased forum upload limits
- Increased forum messages storage

- Gold member title
- Character slots increased to 10
- [MTA] Maximum filesize per custom skin increased to 400kb
- [MTA] /togpm - Toggle-able in-game PMs
- [MTA] /togads - Toggle-able in-game ads
- [MTA] /don chat
- Increased forum upload limits
- Increased forum messages storage