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Strawberry Orange Banana Lime Leaf Slate Sky Blueberry Grape Watermelon Chocolate Marble
Strawberry Orange Banana Lime Leaf Slate Sky Blueberry Grape Watermelon Chocolate Marble
  • The Roleplay Project is free to play - no purchases are necessary. However, it costs a lot to maintain and develop The Roleplay Project - even though all our staff are volunteers that do not get paid. In order to help cover our costs, we offer optional premium features that allow our users to support the community while also getting something in return. If you enjoy your time here and wish to support us while at the same time enhancing your experience here, we invite you to check out our premium offers below.

    If you do not have the extra money to support us with, or otherwise don't feel like supporting us financially, you are very welcome to continue playing the game and being a part of our community for free. There are also other ways to support us, besides supporting us financially. You could apply to join our volunteer staff or otherwise contribute to the community by for example offering roleplay experiences that others can enjoy with you, through factions or as individuals. You can also contribute to the community through engaging forum content. However you choose to contribute, we are very honoured to have you as a part of our community.


    Premium Subscriptions

    A premium subscription is a great way to support The Roleplay Project. This provides us with a steady, predictable income that helps cover our running costs. Subscriptions renew every month until you choose to cancel them. While your subscription is active, you can enjoy premium advantages such as increased limits for your data consumption on our servers (like upload space, message inbox, character slots, patent slots, etc.) as well as a shiny user title to show off your support. We have three different subscription levels based on the monthly amount you can afford to support us with.

  • Available Subscriptions

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